birth control pills

The following article is quite extensive and current information about birth control pills is located. If you are using birth control pills recommended that you keep taking the print version of this article ...

Birth control pills, estrogen and progesterone hormones are produced in the ovaries of women with a lab-produced variants of a highly successful way to prevent pregnancy when used on a regular basis and drugs.

Today is a new generation of very low dose pills contain hormones and doctors başlandıklarında Following the evaluation of side effects and safe drugs is relatively low.


Most brands are made available a wide variety of birth control pills contain 21 tablets. Brands in most of the fixed dose of each tablet contains a derivative of the hormone estrogen and progesterone.

Abroad in terms of ease of use of some birth control pills consist of 28 tablets. This is one of the last 7 pills contain iron, or chemically inert substance. The purpose of this commercial is not currently present in our country, the presence of 28 tablets for 7 days and eliminating the requirement to provide convenience to the user.

Some birth control pills "multiphasic" drugs. This medication is a part of the hormone content of the tablets in the box is different from the others. Hormone content of each tablet of our country, most of which correspond with each other, the "monophasic" are used in medicine.

All of which is a derivative of the hormone estrogen in birth control pills contain ethinyl estradiol, the substance. It was released nearly 40 years ago, the first dose of drugs contained 50 micrograms of estrogen are not used today. Today's birth control pills dose of 35 micrograms of estrogen, 30 micrograms and 20 micrograms for women is an important part of the form and put on the market for about 10 years ago, which reduced the dose because of side effects and less than 20 micrograms of estrogen-containing medications use.

All of the hormone estrogen in birth control pills contain a substance derived variant in addition to the hormone progesterone. Throughout the history of this material is also very changes have taken birth control pills. Pills are made available in the first years of testosterone ("male hormones") which may be similar to problems that can lead to serious side effects of the new generations of these side effects of these substances are largely free.

NEW GENERATION (low dose) Birth Control Pills

In 1960, when put to use very high doses of the hormone-containing pills have faced change as time passes, the first dose of 50 micrograms of estrogen used in the later reduced to 35 and even 30 micrograms.

Dose of the hormone estrogen decline in the protective effect of pregnancy on the observation of azaltmadığının research focused on the tablets in the dose can be reduced even further.

Today, the new generation is now 20 micrograms of estrogen in birth control pills containing the hormone there, and this dose pills that contain a higher dose of protection against are equal.

In our country, both now 35, and 30 and 20 micrograms of estrogen in hormone-containing drugs are all.

With the purpose of birth control varies from doctor to doctor, many doctors prescribed these drugs are prescription drugs that contain the lowest dose. In some cases, women were more protected than high-dose drug can be offered the opportunity to low-dose pills.

Most low-dose pills containing a higher dose has the advantage of containing a large number of:

The most important advantage of low-dose estrogen, the hormone dose of drugs which is directly linked to vascular problems, and sometimes these drugs can have serious consequences is the emergence of a much lower rate.

Among other advantages, the most important ones include nausea, headache, weight gain, mood changes, such as the observation of a lower rate of side effects.

Low-dose pills than high dozlulara only disadvantage of these drugs lead to higher rates of spotting açabilmeleridir bleeding. This side effect usually 4-bin after use are eliminated may not be seen as a major disadvantage.

What is said in public about the possible negative effects of birth control pills are often made of high-dose estrogen-containing pills hurafelerdir time.

How does it work?

Birth control pills contain high doses of estrogen and progesterone hormone derivatives that suspends the process of ovulation and the effects of these drugs to prevent pregnancy.

Secreted by the pituitary and hypothalamus in the brain region of birth control pills and hormone secretion by preventing the act that stimulate the ovaries. These regions of the brain mechanism that allows the menstrual cycle hormones secreted by the ovaries as a result of the emergence of the phenomenon of follicular development and ovulation provides. Estrogen hormone secreted by the ovaries and ovulation in this cycle, which started after the hormone progesterone blocks the secretion of hormones from the brain more. After the menstrual period is reduced, the brain hormone secretion hormone secretion from the ovaries and the menstrual cycle starts again re-engaged.

It contains the hormones estrogen and progesterone hormones in birth control pills are variants produced in laboratory conditions. These substances have the ability to reduce the secretion of hormones from the brain just like the originals. Thus, the brain detects and their hormones, such as the secretion of hormones, it stops the ovaries salgılanıyormuş. Ovulation function disabled, pregnant or not concerned.

Birth control pills, women using the above mechanism may not always succeed in eliminating the phenomenon of ovulation. Ovulation birth control pills, even if it did, and the body in the context of drug intake, the amount secreted by the ovaries in a relatively more favorable settlement of the embryo into the lining of the uterus of progesterone-derived substance makes. Cervical secretion and semen pass through the same substance prevents pregnancy by making it inconvenient.

As a result, a wide variety of birth control pills to start and develop a highly effective mechanisms to prevent pregnancy.

Contraception Birth control pills Korumadaki Success Rates

When used as a regular birth control pills are drugs with very high protection rates, and pregnancy occurs very rarely.

Protection, assuming you use a box full at the end of the first box and the box begins taking the first pill is over başlanmadığında new in the box.


Birth control pills, after a complete gynecological examination, the doctor begins according to the recommendation. Gynecological examination, oral contraceptive use is extremely important to ensure the separation of women at risk. Supervision of a doctor how to use the pills, and if there is any side-effects are explained in detail how the path should be followed.

There are about 30 around our country, each one of its own brand of birth control pills are some differences. The doctor's assessment after the patient is the most appropriate birth control pill prescription.

The first box, preferably the beginning of the first pill on the first day of menstrual bleeding, should be taken no later than the fifth day. Assuming that month to use the pills on a regular basis protection begins immediately.

Drugs within the 21 days ends at the end of the box. Search for a weekly pass at the end of the box in the other. Two days after the end of the box, which were suspended within the period usually occurs during the menstrual period. When menstruation occurs is not important and not always in terms of 28 days to create a regular menstrual cycle is interrupted for a week between the two boxes.

Our country is not yet in use abroad, and some birth control pills contain 28 tablet daily to keep up the habit of taking tablets. This hormone tablets, 21 of which contain iron are generally in 7 of them. These types of pills 21 days after the pills are taken for 1 week with different colors, and this occurs within one week of the menstrual period. Then, just as in the 21-day pills are still available.

The pills of a certain period of time each day (morning, afternoon, evening or at bedtime) are taken on a full stomach. Pills are taken at the same time to maintain the condition of women, but not the habit of taking a pill to set the time and take the daily pill is recommended at this time.

Periodically, "Rahimi rest" necessary?

Years ago, women using birth control pills, doctors at regular intervals (usually every 6 months) in a certain period of time (usually 2 months) önermekteydiler to breaks from using the pill. Studies have determined that the most likely to break during the pregnancy to occur. Scientifically, "Rahimi to indulge" a finding that is required is not available. Therefore, making this interim period, was abandoned today. Women using the pill to have a baby until they decide to continue their use is recommended.

Zamanlanmasında menstruation pills

Necessary to forget the case of Drug Use

The daily dose of the drug should be forgotten the next day two more. This rate is not reduced protection.

More than two daily doses of the drug use is forgotten during the first two weeks of bulunuluyorsa two each of two consecutive days are taken and an additional way for a week can be prevented.

Last week of two daily doses of the drug use of multiple bulunuluyorsa forgotten or at any time of the drug dose is missed more than three days or more, the doctor should be asked to help.

Special Occasions

Especially in the first days of use because of the pills contain estrogen may cause nausea. Nausea and vomiting Nausea gidericilerle usually can be controlled through the conclusion of the purchase of pills an hour and a phase when the dose does not require repetition. One hour before the vomiting of blood, interfering with the pill may be taken after receiving the dose should be repeated nausea-relieving drugs.

Diarrhea due to any reason may be interfering with the blood of the daily dose. In these cases, the use of drugs should be continued and diarrhea for a week, even if the past few days, an additional method korunulmalıdır pregnancy.

Exceptions to referral to a doctor

In the event of the following symptoms, consult a doctor as soon as possible is recommended:

* Headache did not respond to painkillers;
* Blurred vision;
* Chest pain;
* Swelling and pain in the legs;
* Abdominal pain;
* Whether or mild or severe, is not normally thought to the emergence of any symptoms.

Ordinary women who use pills doctor Controls

The first doctor's evaluation of the use of pills that are approved for women by doctors at the end of a period of time (with a frequency ranging from doctor to doctor, usually at the end of 2-4 months) are invited to check back. The purpose of this first control pills possible side effects and possible uses of the discovery of incorrect and correct all errors. After this control pills, women using the pill just as women do not use the annual inspections are called in Lagan. May want to see a doctor more frequently than patients with a variety of reasons.

POSITIVE birth control pills "side effects"

Women using birth control pills on a regular basis as well as protection from an unwanted pregnancy are very different advantages. Some of these advantages, starting first with the box, some of the long-term use will occur. Birth control pills are sometimes prescribed for use only in the following list are the side effects.

Regular use of birth control pills:

* Provide a regular menstrual cycle.
Prevents unnecessary blood loss by reducing the amount of * menstruation.
* Reduce the symptoms of premenstrual tension and the effects of disease, PMS (premenstrual tension syndrome) are used in medicine.
* Menstruation, birth control pill users are less frequently seen.
* Women taking pills acne (acne) and hair growth is seen less frequently.
* Long-term oral contraceptive use and ovarian cancer, uterine cancer in women is seen much less frequently.
* Reduced risk of developing pregnancy reduces the risk of occurrence of ectopic pregnancy.
* The process of ovulation in women using pills baskılandığından in functional ovarian cysts are less common. This effect is not very strong in women taking low-dose birth control pill.
* Fibrocystic breast condition is less common in women using pills.
* Birth control pills reduce the risk of developing pelvic infection. One-year use of at least 50-60% reduced risk of pelvic infection and the pill is used in this situation will continue. This effect is probably derivative of the hormone progesterone in birth control pills contained material related to cervical secretion getirmesiyle against bacteria become less permeable. In some studies, depending on the use of pills rahimağzında erosion ("wound") develops in the region showed chlamydia bacteria more easily, although this situation has not been proven çoğalabildiğini.
* Depending on the fungus vaginitis in women using pills outside were seen less frequently than other types of vaginitis.
* Endometriosis in women using the pill, and is seen less frequently in women with endometriosis disease symptoms milder.
* Birth control pill use was determined to be protective against fibroids.
* Pill use and atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis disease ("hardening of the arteries") reduces the risk of development.
* Decreases more slowly than bone density in women using pills. This effect is not very strong in women taking low-dose birth control pill.


Increase the Risk of Vascular Occlusion Progress

The most feared side effects of birth control pills increase the tendency of blood clots in the arteries due to road congestion açabilmeleridir. This side effect with low-dose drugs used today, it has become very rare.

This is a serious side effect is the best way to minimize the risk of developing a relatively high risk of developing atherosclerosis in women with no kullanmamalarıdır this medication. This distinction, but it could in a doctor's assessment of pills the doctor is extremely important after the start.

The reader's mind "a little like atherosclerosis, the risk of a serious problem that can easily be offered a drug by doctors as to how the question of" can. First, you need to know the new generation low-dose birth control pills are used, where appropriate, creating the risk of atherosclerosis is that very low. The other important point is the fact can not be any drug side effects. The basic principle of using drug profits / losses is that the higher rate. The profit from the use of pills (contraception and other effects), the emergence of very low probability of damage is much higher than expected.

Birth Control Pills And Cancer

Most of the women "makes cancer" are fearful of using the pill for fear. The inner layer of the uterus birth control pill use of the available data and reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.

The inner layer of uterus cancer
Ovarian cancer

Statistics such as a year, even a short-term use reduces by half the incidence of cancer of the inner layer of the uterus and reaching the highest level in three years of use shows that this protective effect. Protective effect continues after giving up the pill for 20 years.

The first symptoms of ovarian cancer is very deadly form of cancer that is usually very late stages and the type of cancer protective effect of these pills for 3-6 months in use, such as even a very short-term starts. Tablets as the duration of the protective effect is even higher. A woman uses the pill for 10 years the risk of developing ovarian cancer and the pill after being reduced by 80% protective effect has been shown to persist for at least 15-20 years. Familial Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer is thought to pass the protective effect of pills, especially in women with a family history of ovarian cancer can be a serious option to keep.

Çelişmekle with data on breast cancer, the risk of this form of cancer on pills is probably ineffective. This issue is still in progress. One of the most important results of the studies conducted to date using pills started to flourish, but without symptoms of cancer in breast tissue mass hızlandırabilmesidir development. Profit / loss ratio compared to a very low probability of profit arising from the use of pills that will impact much greater than the possible harm.

Some studies have shown a decrease in cancer risk in postmenopausal women using pills.

Together with cervical cancer beklenmemesiyle having an impact on the pill, cervical cancer precursors in women taking pills more often you smoke.

Cervical cancer

The women who continue to use the pill, they are acting more consistent examination of the annual inspections coming captured early forms of cancer (breast cancer, cervical cancer and precancerous lesions) that can be removed more frequently. In this case the statistics "who use birth control pill cervical cancer and precancerous lesions and more frequently seen in breast cancer" may be reflected in the form.

Nausea and Vomiting

Direct effect of estrogen hormone in the brain center of the included nausea pills nausea and sometimes vomiting may lead to the emergence of her complaint. In particular the problem of nausea during early pregnancy are more common in women who experience this side effect.

Today, low-dose pills used in these side effects are seen and are usually less nausea after a few boxes at the end of the body to get used to the drug is eliminated.

Drug Interactions

Hormone estrogen in the pill the liver and liver drug is a substance taken to accelerate the functions of throwing drugs (some antibiotics, some anti-epileptic medicines, and some other drugs), and thus the protective nature of the pill may lead to reduced elimination from the body faster. Each woman's doctor before you start using pills that the use of drugs is extremely important therefore, to report in detail.

The emergence of Hypertension

Some sensitive individuals may cause elevation of blood pressure pill. Discontinuation of the drug after the disappearance of a rare side effect that can bear 3-6.

Quantity Layout Changes

* Search for style spotting bleeding

Use of low-dose birth control pills, especially during the first 10-30% of women in the early days of the menstrual cycle can lead to bleeding for a few days of spotting Search. Protection of the drug does not reduce in any way, this condition usually disappears after the use of up to four boxes.

An intermediate form of bleeding in the other months of trouble-free operation at the end of the call from pills bleeding.

Search bleeding occurs because the shape of both are similar in that doses of estrogen and progesterone hormone secretion produced by the ovaries in the inner layer of the uterus become accustomed to the process of working to adapt to the new situation. December bleeding to occur in women who smoked more attention.

When there is bleeding in women using pills intermediate state doctors transmit and cause of bleeding is not connected to another in order to ensure that important to undergo gynecological examination.

Although the use of pills for a long time to continue improving in the intermediate resistance to switch to a brand different from bleeding or hormone supplements may be necessary.

* Lack of menstruation

Contained progesterone hormone pills may cause some women forced one sees. In this case, to continue the use of pills and cans to catch up to the usual 7-day may be a viable option. Quantity medication fails to stop bothering women who continue to menstruate again after a certain period of time. The possibility of this side effect increases with duration of pill use.

* Reduction in menstruation

Bleeding in women using birth control pills decrease the total amount of days and almost a rule. To evaluate this as a negative side effect is meaningless. Reduction of bleeding because "blood is trapped inside," but the development of the inner layer of the uterus bleed pill users is less.

The emergence of depression

Low-dose birth control pills is a very rare side effect. Recommended discontinuation of the drug occurs.

Libido (sexual desire), decreased

A very rare side effect of birth control pills. Recommended discontinuation of the drug occurs.

Effects on lactation milk production

Birth control pills reduce the amount and quality of the milk of lactating mothers and, therefore, recommended that the protection of other methods.

Weight gain

Doses of birth control pills after being dropped in this side-effect has become less common. Fear of weight gain, especially afraid of women using the pill because of the pill for four months at the end of this period and attempts to lose weight have any effect on whether they have received reviews aldırıcı to test the pill in themselves enough to lose weight. Each woman received each year to be considered naturally 0.2-0.4 kilograms.

The emergence of breast tenderness

In some cases the use of birth control pills can lead to the emergence of breast fullness and tenderness. Usually mild, these side effects to affect the daily life of low-dose birth control pills appear to be quite rare.

Laboratory changes

Sedimentation in women taking birth control pills, which measures the clotting system of false values, and many other value may vary. The doctor reviewed the results of laboratory considers this situation to ensure the use of pills be forwarded to a doctor.

Development of cervical wound

Rahimağzına effects of hormones, some women may lead to cervical wound. This is usually a benign condition, and very simple methods can be treated if necessary.

Development of Fungal Infection of the vagina

Low-dose birth control pills is a very rare side effect. When there are treated properly.

Emergence of the facial skin spotting

Low-dose birth control pills is a very rare side effect. We see the first symptoms occur and treatment can be difficult to release the drug is beneficial.

Acne (and hair growth), the emergence of

Derivative of the male hormone-like substance contained in pills side effects of the hormone progesterone, and other sensitive parts of body acne and hair growth may lead to further cases. New-generation derivative of the hormone progesterone in birth control pills contained substances of this effect are largely free from side effects of modern pills, this occurs very rarely. Unlike the new generation of women who suffer from acne and hair growth effects of pills are known to reduce these complaints.

Emergence of Headache

A rare side effect of low-dose birth control pills. When there is definitely a doctor should be notified. Requires immediate discontinuation of the drug headache pain relievers that do not respond.

Delay is pregnant after being drug Kalabilirliğin

Birth control pills are not theoretically possible to abolish permanently kalabilirliği pregnant. However, the introduction of ovulation after discontinuation of pill use may be delayed up to 3 months.

Tabiyatlı benign tumor formation in the liver

Low-dose birth control pills is a very rare side effect.

WHO Birth Control Pill OPERATION objectionable?

Birth control pills are relatively safe drugs when used properly and the appropriate people so far have left permanent damage to the genital tract was observed. A key factor that determines whether it contains objectionable using pills pills effects of drugs through the bloodstream to other organs in their cases, and risk of the formation of these organs damage.

In general, the presence of the following situations definitely inconvenient to use birth control pills

* The presence of the suspected pregnancy, or pregnancy;
* One out of yet undetermined cause bleeding;
* Thrombophlebitis (vein inflammation) is undergoing to become or already experienced this problem;
* To be living in the body or any organ of the vascular congestion problem already being experienced this problem;
* 35 years of age to be is on the non-use (day number is not important);
* Insufficiency navigating to the problem of chronic liver disease;
* To be suspected breast cancer;
* To be allergic to substances found in drugs.

A review of the above articles carefully, the biggest risks of birth control pills that can be seen on the veins. Derivative of the hormone, estrogen pills substance contained in the flowing blood-clotting tendency of blood vessels increases. Under normal conditions, this mechanism is working to prevent an injury as a result of excessive blood loss when a blood clot in one of the vital organs, blood vessels, leading to the formation and may cause blockage of the vessel. Especially at risk for developing atherosclerosis in women using pills increase the clotting tendency of direction can result in life-problems.

Those with liver problems should not use the pill also emphasized above. Estrogen hormone is a substance excreted by the liver and liver functions of the hormone in women with inadequate uzaklaştırılamadığından birikici effects can occur quickly enough.

Estrogen has important effects on breast tissue and breast cancer until she lands a definitive diagnosis in case of suspicion of using this hormone is extremely important.

A woman who were previously non-smokers to be the group of women at least 12 months, it is important that non-using. Users of nicotine chewing gums used for smoking cessation nicotine plasters and the "smoke" are considered.

Birth control pills in the presence of the following cases only where deemed appropriate by the doctor after the evaluation is available:

* A simple type of migraine and other headache types of headaches;
* Various heart diseases;
* Gynecological examination, detection of uterine fibroids;
* Hypertension disease, drugs or other means, to be completely under control, and 35 years younger;
* The presence of diabetes is under control;
* Uncommon varices.

Use by women with migraine

Doctors recommend the birth control pill to women with known migraine disease do not behave very willing. Especially the "complex" that is watching, or with symptoms that are pioneering vision, dizziness, nausea and vomiting in the presence of migraine symptoms, such as the most appropriate approach is to use another method of birth control.

Migraine symptoms may also occur during the use of pills, sometimes for the first time. The resulting headache or any symptoms with a doctor pills according to the recommendation to change the brand or the transition to a low-dose pills may be in question. Did not respond to painkillers or other symptoms also occur with migraine-type headaches are often the last to give the doctor recommends the use of pills.

Sara disease in women who are

Sara disease itself does not constitute a drawback for the use of pills, and some women use birth control pills may decrease the frequency of epileptic seizures. Some epilepsy drugs that may reduce the effectiveness of drugs used in birth control pills is important to notify a doctor.

In women who are undergoing surgery

And women who have been using pills for any reason, previously scheduled for surgery four weeks ago to leave the surgery advocated birth control pills. Today is fairly low doses of estrogen pills contained in this proposal are very rare cases.

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