
Shoots ears of Allergy

Nuhoglu, the channel that allows air entry into the middle ear becomes clogged, began to accumulate in the middle ear fluid, ear cavity filled with liquid instead of air by preventing the transmission of voices began hearing loss, he said.

Nuhoglu, the most important factors that cause hearing loss in children with allergic rhinitis, and allergy-related nasal congestion at the beginning stating that, "Allergic rhinitis symptoms of nasal obstruction, blocked nose and mouth to breathe, as a result children are often caught colds. After a period of recurrent infections due to nasal allergies meat and nasal congestion, resulting in the growth becomes more apparent. Families, children with a stuffy nose, sweating at night for no reason, mouth open, horlayarak uyumalarından understand and restless night. Posterior meat grows ear pain and fever starts navigating sıklaşmaya ear infections, clogged from time to time and advanced cases of hearing loss is experienced, "he said.

Prof. Dr. Alfalfa Nuhoglu, measures to be taken to the allergen nasal obstruction hafiflediğini, treated meat during the post-nasal contraction is possible, he said. An operation to be done under general anesthesia with allergy treatment önlenebildiğini Nuhoglu added that, sublingual allergy treatment drops radically emphasized that possible with vaccine therapy.

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Tricks not to fall in the snow

Depending on the loss to fall on the ice with the very hand and elbow and shin bone fractures of the ankle is seen that the Turkmen, a simple fall-related fractures or dislocations may be seen as fatal, severe head trauma due to walking unassisted recording is careless and Dr. söyledi.Düşmelerin majority. Turkmen, "while walking, balanced, and carefully walk on the road looking at the need to take a step.

Hands should not be the pocket, hands and arms should be free, such as anti-roll bar, and one can walk the movement of a swing. Bag with both hands the wrong move. Must be at least one hand free. Slight shuffling feet and the ground as quickly as possible önemlidir.Ayakkabılar rubber or rubber-based and short-heeled stride should be. In addition to shoes to prevent slipping on the ice wearing old socks, "he said.

Dr. Turkmen, injuries due to slipping on ice and snow is more risky for the elderly said. Turkmen, and treatment is more difficult for elderly people more easily fall sakatlanabildiklerini said, "that is simple for osteoporosis in the elderly is a serious bone fractures can be seen even in the off. The elderly, and treatment of fractures require operative treatment must also take very long. For this reason, older people, careful advance along the street while , the sides of a cane to take the extreme parts of the rubber pads protect the hips should be used to protect against fractures of hip lazımdır.Ayrıca. Hypertension, or disrupt the balance should always be treated if you have a disease, "he konuştu.Dr. Turkmen, falls are taken into account, intractable low back and leg pain and numbness after falling if not necessarily to the nearest health facility should be consulted, he added.

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Most importantly, the amount


In addition, the oils used for frying the market becomes more transyağa used. Harmful Transyağlar. Try to avoid eating out, especially frying.

1 gram of fat contains 9 kilocalories, while 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates contain 4 kilocalories. Oils high in calories but also is vital for our body. For example, some vitamins in the foods we eat, our bodies become available, thanks to oil. Somewhere up the basis of the cell. Skin health, hair health, brain, immune system cells is required for.
Given this matter is so important for our bodies, particularly obesity causes more. However, by increasing blood vessel occlusion lubricants, fatty liver, and lays the foundation for a variety of heart diseases directly. 55-day 60% of foods we eat carbohydrates,% 15-20 proteins, 25-up 30% as the oil creates a healthy diet can accept it.

Oils collect three groups. The first group of what we call full of saturated fats include animal fats. Butter, cream, cream, meat, deli and margarinlerdir. The second is that monounsaturated fats olive oil, hazelnut oil and canola oil. The third group of polyunsaturated fats, sunflower oil, corn oil and soybean oil. This energy is the same in the three oil group. In other words, more high-calorie butter, olive oil is not a low-calorie fat. Sometimes, when a meal of butter and olive oil koymayıp thinking that they have put less than the amount of calories, so he can put a lot of peace of mind. All oils should not be forgotten that the same energy. Therefore, a careful good idea to use olive oil.

There are actually three of the human body also needs fat group. For meat we eat in everyday life full of saturated fatty acids from animal fats we use our bodies do not need to buy. If you're eating out a meal a day at home just use olive oil or nut oil. But usually you're eating at home, use it as a mixture of mono and polyunsaturated fats.

If you lose weight if you have problems you must take care that the daily fat intake. Because changing the amount of food fats and increase calories too. For example, let's say you eat a salad. If this is a salad with meat sauce, and you get more delicious in this salad, I put some more oil, oil seeds such as walnuts, almonds, add two to three times more calories than normal, you will receive. Calories you eat salad, but you think would be the equivalent calories of hamburgers and chips. I took the water works, the metabolism does not panic if they think that pessimism. Therefore, you must be careful about fats. No you can not eat fried, on a bun does not take any oil can be hidden, but without realizing it may end up eating a food high in fat.

They enter into the food oils and gevrekleştirirler-lasting. Poğaçalar ready to eat, for example, trenches, cream pies, sauce dishes, made mince meat of meats high in fat, so it is high in calories. If you have problems with weight gain should be aware of hidden fats ...

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Smile can disrupt hormones

Women, in specific periods of life (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause), the variable will have the hormone levels. The fluctuation level of sex hormone, affects the health of the mouth and teeth. Prosthesis and Implantology Specialist Dr. Dt. Ilker Arslan women gave information regarding factors that affect oral and dental health.


Especially during menstruation, gingival hassaslaşmaktadır. Accordingly, the redness of the gums and bleeding gums can be seen. However, within this period, oral herpes, canker sores and ulcerations, such as herpes-type viral lesions are frequently encountered.


The most important changes that occur during pregnancy, hormones estrogen and progesterone levels rise. An increase in the accumulation of plaque and tartar formation on teeth this situation, thus leading to tooth and gum problems. Tooth sensitivity, redness, and bleeding gums, the main problems in this period.

In addition to gum disease in pregnancy, epulis (pregnancy tumor) may be called the growth of the gum. This growth in late pregnancy or after pregnancy improves spontaneously. However, chewing and oral hygiene, causing discomfort during the procedure, you may need to be.

Another factor affecting the dental health during pregnancy, nausea and vomiting due to his mother. Wear of the teeth in the mouth after vomiting acidic environment (erosion) can cause pregnant women during this period is recommended to rinse their mouths with carbonated water.

Calcium, which is necessary for the baby itself is also among the people taking the mother's teeth, the teeth of the mother thought to lead to rapid decay. However, the bones of the mother's supply of calcium is necessary for tooth development. Therefore, foods rich in calcium and phosphorus nutrition of the mother is very important.

Birth control drugs

This is due to the hormones they contain medicines similar to the symptoms seen

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Varicose veins (varis)

Appears on the surface treatment of the blood vessels that do not have a pleasant appearance. Capillary cracks, damaged blood vessels and varicose veins in the leg work, unwanted veins. Varicose veins treatment drug is injected into the tiny needles. Then, pressure bandages, and stockings are applied. Cracking of thin and thick veins and capillaries can be treated successfully with sclerotherapy.

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The benefits of honey

The only important point is the nutritional value of food when honey is known height values​​, also known as the cure for hundreds of the matter. See our honey than the benefits of adding a new one every day, which can be taken by people with taste, is one of the most important drugs. Even people who do not like and do not consume honey honey honey honey to exhaust every effort to no longer confident to see the benefits.

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Is there a cure for bad breath?

Cause separation of lovers, which destroys marriages and civil courage in your career with faltering self-esteem prevents you from using stop bad breath, in fact, simple is not a disease as previously thought. Physiological and Pathological collected under two main headings in the medical world as the world of medicine, tongue, and palate throughout the day due to the breeding of bacteria.

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