History and geographic distribution of AIDS

The first known cases of AIDS were reported in 1981, the U.S. states of New York and California. the first persons diagnosed with AIDS are often sexually transmitted disease among gay men trap and syringes from intravenous drug use bağımlılarıydı common.in 1983 American and French researchers have found that HIV the cause of the disease and serological blood tests were developed to detect the virus in 1985, reached.

AIDS is probably emerged in Africa and in the 1980s, particularly in cases of AIDS epidemic in Africa showed an increase in the level. This rapid increase, the proliferation of urbanization in Africa, long journeys and the increase in international trips, sex change in habits, has played an important role in increasing the use of intravenous drugs.According to the 2004 report of the United Nations, the world is 38 million people with HIV, 5 million every year person, the virus grabs and 3 million people dying from AIDS.between 1981-2008, 20 million people died of AIDS.

All the world's HIV-positive cases, 70% in sub-Saharan Africa.More than 10% of the population in some countries in Africa is HIV. Although not as extreme as in other parts of the world that these rates in Eastern Europe, India, South Asia and Southeast Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean has increased rapidly.Odds are increasing in Western Europe and the United States. HIV is about 1 million people in the United States and half of the cases cover the new virus black Americans. The sharp increase in Asian countries, China, Indonesia and Vietnam, is seen.World Health Organization (WHO), according to people with HIV who need antiretroviral treatment, 9 out of 10 they can not see the treatment.

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