What is AIDS

AIDS, HIV is an infectious agent that causes the collapse of the immune system due to disease in humans.The word AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in English (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome / midwife) akronimidir words. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), the immune system by infecting slowly destroys the body's resistance to infections and eventually death of the individual causes by making it vulnerable to various illnesses.AIDS, and this process is the final stage of HIV infection is often fatal infections and cancer encountered.the person carrying the HIV virus is called HIV positive. Widely in order to ensure the integrity of the concept of HIV / AIDS, the combined term is used.

After the blood is infected with HIV may not be symptoms for many years, and people may feel unwell.In some cases, a person is HIV positive from 8 to 10 years, AIDS was not captured. 3 months after infection has occurred as a result of the ELISA test gives the most accurate

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