Smile can disrupt hormones

Women, in specific periods of life (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause), the variable will have the hormone levels. The fluctuation level of sex hormone, affects the health of the mouth and teeth. Prosthesis and Implantology Specialist Dr. Dt. Ilker Arslan women gave information regarding factors that affect oral and dental health.


Especially during menstruation, gingival hassaslaşmaktadır. Accordingly, the redness of the gums and bleeding gums can be seen. However, within this period, oral herpes, canker sores and ulcerations, such as herpes-type viral lesions are frequently encountered.


The most important changes that occur during pregnancy, hormones estrogen and progesterone levels rise. An increase in the accumulation of plaque and tartar formation on teeth this situation, thus leading to tooth and gum problems. Tooth sensitivity, redness, and bleeding gums, the main problems in this period.

In addition to gum disease in pregnancy, epulis (pregnancy tumor) may be called the growth of the gum. This growth in late pregnancy or after pregnancy improves spontaneously. However, chewing and oral hygiene, causing discomfort during the procedure, you may need to be.

Another factor affecting the dental health during pregnancy, nausea and vomiting due to his mother. Wear of the teeth in the mouth after vomiting acidic environment (erosion) can cause pregnant women during this period is recommended to rinse their mouths with carbonated water.

Calcium, which is necessary for the baby itself is also among the people taking the mother's teeth, the teeth of the mother thought to lead to rapid decay. However, the bones of the mother's supply of calcium is necessary for tooth development. Therefore, foods rich in calcium and phosphorus nutrition of the mother is very important.

Birth control drugs

This is due to the hormones they contain medicines similar to the symptoms seen

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